Tag Archive: current-events

These are the monsters that obama protects, that Justin Trudeau so loves. islaamic state will be killed off here in the Americas, and ‘government’ has nothing to say about that, in fact ‘government’ is in plenty of trouble for they way they’ve been capitulating to islamic state and all the rest of the jihad groups and orgs.


The Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq is forcing doctors to harvest human organs so they can sell them on the international market | BARE NAKED ISLAM.

One of the many Muslim NO GO ZONES in the UK. Keep importing more Muslim jihadists and welfare parasites and soon every town in the UK will look like this.

Complete with the ‘nonexistent’ Pedo-Grooming gangs also.

MUSLIM COLONIZERS have turned Bradford, England into a disgusting Islamic hellhole | BARE NAKED ISLAM.

So, the close-call I had with blindness is now in the past. It wasn’t anything major as far as a flaw went, just five points in each eye where very small arteries and veins had connected before they were supposed to…’detouring’ oxygenated blood from fully reaching some key areas of the front of the eye and the retina.

Simple to fix, but with NO room for error…5 tiny laser pulses to close off the ‘detour’ points was all it took…but it was where they were in my eyes that made things tricky.

So post-op, means eye exercises 5 times a day that work out the eye’s ability to focus and such…not that hard to do obviously, but like any form of exercise it’ll increase blood flow and in this case it’ll also help correct any latent effects from the ‘detour’ flaws. Also, the usual admonitions to ‘take it easy’ and such…fine, I’ll take that advice. I had a taste of near-blindness, that was enough for me.



We’re getting closer every day to building the powerplant. However, before we begin, some aspects of construction MUST be built/tested/analyzed to make absolutely certain they can withstand the wind-loading forces. Here in Alberta, we get some strong winds, with ‘Bursts’ now and then where it can (and has) reached almost 100 MpH.

When you consider how solar panels can act as impromptu ‘sails’, and you have to build with such wind forces in mind there’s not much room for error. Also, while we are using smaller wind turbines which are considerably more resilient than those gigantic eyesores other companies are so fond of, they still need be to modified to cope with such extreme overspeed risks. Meaning some Custom components will be needed and contractors for such need to be found. I will say that the wind turbines we will be using are Bird-Safe. We take environmental impact VERY seriously…as example, for the hydraulic systems, we have sourced out environmentally-friendly, Biodegradable hydraulic fluid. This is also why we insist on building in an existng Industrial zone, and have put years of work into compressing collection-ability down to the smallest land-use footprint possible.

We are taking a wholly new approach to Solar & Wind energy, and cannot afford a mistake, mis-step. We are building something we want people to be able to find confidence and sense-of-security in. So, we are not cutting corners, but we are also VERY cost-conscious and every dollar put in must get the best it can.

People want Solar & Wind energy to be made every bit as reliable and inexpensive as Coal/Gas/Nuclear energy…and we can deliver this, and better.

Muslim spokesmen in the West are personally viciously rude, absolutely unwilling to engage their foes on the level of rational argumentation, or to accord them basic human respect — manifesting a deeply rooted supremacism and hatred for the Infidel.

Exchange with Hate Preacher Kashif Chaudhry.

Although there are many issues stirred by DNA testing, none is more provocative than interpreting our family and tribal ancestries.

Read more at http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2015/02/03/why-native-americans-are-concerned-about-potential-exploitation-their-dna-158993

Why Native Americans Are Concerned About Potential Exploitation of Their DNA – ICTMN.com.

West Edmonton Mall, arial view

We’re presently at West Edmonton Mall, measuring sunlight intensity & angles over time. We’ve ben surveying the malls in Edmonton regarding our intent to offer  joint-venture to them regarding our Blackwinter energy system, and that means such glorious and fun things as measuring sunlight intensity and angles over time as the day progresses.

Yes, it’s every bit as unexciting as it sounds, but it has to be done so that if they say ‘Yes’ things can be done with as much energy-capture efficiency as possible, and it’ll save time getting things rolling. Windspeed measurements today, kinda pointless as it’s a mostly clear, sunny and calm/still day. At least it’s not -30C, and this is the last mall we have to survey.

Shopping malls, on average, can host a few hundred Megawatts of generating capacity to the Grid AFTER meeting their own power needs.
I don’t need to mention what kind of revenue this would earn, and it would be a 24/7/365 revenue stream coming in coupled to elimination of energy overhead costs…which is a Considerable amount of income.
Why shouldn’t malls be sources of Clean, sustainable, quiet and abundant energy?
It eliminates load on the grid, actually reverses load to be factual, and is a direct, genuine benefit to their communities and in the overall as those Mall-Megawatts displace the same Megawattage produced by combustion-based powerplants.

West Edmonton Mall…it’s staggering to think of how much generating capacity this mall can host. It’s one of the largest malls in north america, and our rough (VERY conservative) estimates say that this mall could become a Gigawatt-class energy supplier.

Think about that…a Gigawatt-class Solar & Wind generating facility, built into a mall…nearly Invisible, clean, quiet, no danger to birds, nor using virgin land.
Everyone wants the future of sustainable energy ‘Right Now’, and we’re doing what we can (Husband & I) to make it happen, to the benefit of us all, and future generations.

There’s a LOT of talk these days about islam, oil, energy, economies, and all that long, endless list of problems, issues, hassles and general cultural rot.

Frankly, it’s enough to make one’s head feel like it’s about to implode under the external pressure.

Now, let’s take a Clear Look at the Future that we, The First Peoples Of The Nations, can have and are working towards.

Our Reservations, they are fallow ground from which we can build proper Colonies, then into genuine Nations, to protect/preserve/rebuild our cultural and genetic heritage. Look around, those of you living in them right now…but LOOK at the Potential.
Think of Clean, Independent energy in them.

High-Yield, Industrial-Scale Heirloom-Seed based microfarming tied to Aquaculture that takes up very little land-space, but endlessly produces high-quality, very desirable product with minimal overhead.

Think of our own Research labs, Hospitals dedicated to finding and implementing true solutions to illness, producing Vaccines that can be Trusted, establishing Patents and doing their part to forge solid, indelible marks in world history to the benefit of Humanity and ourselves

Think of all these Reservations as ‘seeds’ that have preserved our cultures and people, seeds that can/will grow and achieve the dream of Sovereigty & Independence for our Peoples.
We can and will establish our own Banking system, our own Independent economy, true Sovereignty & freedom and do justice to the memories of our Ancestors, and to bring light of Hope to the hearts of those Elders who we are fortunate to still have among us.
We have the ability, the need, to make for ourselves what it is we want for the future of ourselves, our Children, to protect and rebuild what we have left, and build anew what was lost. We have the growing ability to deal with the world outside our Colony-Nations on OUR terms and no one else’s, engage in International Relations & Diplomacy–ON OUR TERMS.

To illustrate, some of you are aware of The Blackwinter Project, a powerplant based on this technology:

blackwinter_system_design_illustration - appendedOur Colony-Nations can VERY easily be entirely self-sufficient for power, water, food, etc., as properly befits any Nation. But it doesn’t stop there.


We can, and must, wield the enormous influence of the developments we are bringing to the fore, to the benefit of ourselves and to Humanity. We have the ability to directly change the entire nature of the global energy market…a degree of influence and power we MUST wield responsibly, and we must NOT follow in the footsteps of those in the energy markets currently.
Butt, this same power, just this ONE technology, gives us enormous ability to bring aabout our dream of Sovereignty, to stand on the Internationl Stage of the World, as we should have long ago.

The Future, is in the palm of our hand.

That which has not killed us, has made us that much stronger.


The venerable 18-wheeler, prime-mover of almost everything you wear, use, eat…

And THE largest consumer of fuel on the planet.

This is NOT a screed against them, this is merely to point out Facts about them, and how things in the future will be better for their drivers, the freight companies that have them in their fleets, and for consumers who depend on them.

Some of you are familiar with the hybrid Solar & Wind power system that Husband developed. Some of you claim:

“It can’t work.”


blackwinter_system_design_illustration - appended

This crude schematic shows the Base Principle, we left it that way so folks could just grab the base principle and build their own units off whatever components they can get ahold of. Considering that folks have built such out of cast-off components in the slums of India, well, we were right in pursuing that approach.

This power system has been supplying our home since 2005, when hubby first finished work on the protoptype and engaged it for the first time. 10 years, without a problem, glitch, outage and there’s been times during local outages when we’ve run lines to neighbours during winter to help them out until main line-service came back. Doig such placed NO strain on our in-home system as we have six 150 Kilowatt generators in the basement, and plan to install a seventh to be able to earn $ from selling power to the grid under AESO, but one has to produce 1 Megawatt or more to earn more than just ‘credit’ on your power bill.

This technology has been refined to the point where it was fitted to a used Intrepid Husband used as a Prototype, then later he refit his personal Intrepid with it. The Intrepid Prototype proved during extensive and harsh real-world tests that this technology offers vastly more benefits to vehicle owners than any fuel-based system can. One test was a business trip to the Atlantic provinces, driving around there for 2 weeks, then the trip home.

At NO point was an external charging via plug-in required.

Now, that was with this system crammed into an Intrepid.

dodge-intrepid-4 dodge-intrepid-3

18 Wheelers, have much more ability to accomodate elements of this system, and that’s just referring to the Tractor itself, when one also factors in what can be done with the trailer as well. the benefits are enormous as refrigerated trailers can now be semi-or fully independent for power even when detached from a Tractor.

The Tractors themselves would have more power, and quicker response, this is an innate aspect of electrical motors vs combustion-driven engines. The fuel costs would be eliminated, as well as the noise, and maintenance costs would be reduced. Less overhead expense means savings can be passed along to consumers and healthy profitability easily maintained.
In addition, Tractors that are idle, could hook into the grid at their home yard and supply power to the grid, thus earning income for their owning company even when parked.

Our company WILL be operating a truck fleet of this type, and this will give us a Formidable edge vs competitors, and if they want to compete, they’ll have to adapt to how we do things by adapting this power system. We will help them, freely, as the power system is OPEN-SOURCE Licensed, and we’re NOT interested in dominating any markets, but we will not hesitate in leading-by-example and demonstrating to others that better ways of doing things exist.

Welcome to Middle East Oil’s WORST nightmare

With the often delusional, and always flat-out WRONG claims byt the useful-idiots who support ‘palestine’ and BDS, it’ss time to shatter some myths, illusions and claims made by BDS supporters that have zero factual basis.

1; BDS claims to have ‘overwhelming support’ from the Native American Indian peoples. This is really not the case, despite how they claim otherwise.
BDS makes the Mistake of daring to speak for us, and will be taught in the future why that was a very STUPID course of action to engage in.
The overwhelming majority of Native American Indians don’t give a damn about the middle east. The reason for that is simple–we have PLENTY of very serious problems of our own to address, and mitigate.
‘palestine’ is at best, bottom of the page, if even that, as far as our concerns go.

2; There is ZERO in common between what Native American Indians have endured and continue to endure and battle against. We are NOT the drunken VLT-addicted simpletons so many folks think.
There’s been Eyes on the M.E. from the start of the First Native Nations immediately after WW2, through to the present. More than a few research projects consuming thousands of man-hours have been done regarding islam, ‘palestine’, Israel, etc.. Done so, in order to have Clear Sight of what’s going on in that area of the world as Nuclear weapons are involved, and that presents a threat to us as it does to everyone else. So, we absolutely required Facts to be able to see through all the obfuscation, propaganda, and related inaccurate nonsense.
So, we felt the need to understand the mentality of all those involved, the History, the details.

Archeology has proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that Israel’s claim to those lands is bone-fide and truly Ancestral. Israel’s proof-of-history goes back millenia into the B.C. epoch, wih a wealth of Artifacts, Grave sites, ruins, etc..
‘palestine’ is unsupported by ANY hard, factual evidence whatsoever.
Now, ‘palestine’ supporters claim that Archeologists have ‘underdug’ the layers containing ‘palestinian’ artifacts. This is absolute Nonsense, as highly Reputable people and organizations have done the digs, and digs for Artifacts in that region pre-date the 20th century, long before the present atmosphere of pro-‘palestine’ and BDS propaganda. NO ONE has ever found ANY traces even of ‘palestinian’ artifacts. Nothing, not a coin, not a pottery shard, not a single trace in all those decades of digging, sifting and analysis.

3; ‘palestine’ and it’s own government, as well as others have also OPENLY ADMITTED the false nature of ‘palestine’ themselves.

This, combined with the absolute nonexistence of any historical trace of ‘palestine’ is a further series of nails in the coffin of the ‘palestine’ narrative.

‘palestine’ exists only as an occupational presence in Israeli lands from which to launch attacks from. The claims of Israel ‘occupying’ Gaza are absolute, unsubstantiated nonsense, and as far as Israel’s ‘geneocide’ vs ‘palestine, check the population figures of ‘palestine’ for the last 10 years. They show the exact OPPOSITE of genocide.

‘palestine’ has committed a Crime vs Native American Peoples in the form of hijacking our identity, our history, and our existence to serve their own selfish, mindlessly hostile ends.

In truth, ‘palestine’ (in their own words, openly admitted) is EXACTLY like the European invaders who came to the Americas centuries back, with the same agenda that ‘palestine’ has for Israel & Jewish people:


THIS BELOW is a very good reason as to why NO Native Aboriginal American can support ‘palestine’, given their absolute disregard for Life.


I’ve been speaking about them for a while, but saying Little (as per the expressed wishes of the Council) but I can now open the purse strings a bit more about information. Husband is FNN, as am I, but there are serious limits of information we possess for obvious reasons of security and I am just fine with that arrangement…what I do not know, I can not accidentally betray.

Insurgency 4 Liberty

I’ve been speaking about them for a while, but saying Little (as per the expressed wishes of the Council) but I can now open the purse strings a bit more about information. Husband is FNN, as am I, but there are serious limits of information we possess for obvious reasons of security and I am just fine with that arrangement…what I do not know, I can not accidentally betray.

1; The First Native Nations was founded immediately after WW2 by 13 Veterans from assorted Nations from USA and Canada.

2; The FNN takes as it’s Charter the collected documents together referred to as The American Constitution. The reason for such is that in those documents are time proven Truth that relate to all people. However, during any hostilities, the FNN will NOT extend it’s protections to enemies with an intent Contrary to The Constitution.

3; The FNN is media-apathetic. I…

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