Archive for February, 2015

So, considering this latest example of our oh-so-wonderful Fedgov, is it really such a shock that I consider Fedgov Illegitimate??

Dying Alberta man fights with social security tribunal for disability benefits

OTTAWA — An Alberta man dying of lung and rectal cancer has been seeking Canada Pension Plan disability benefits for 18 months after being told by officials that he doesn’t qualify because his condition isn’t serious enough. 644 more words

Basic Concept

Aquaponics is a food production system based upon mother-nature’s own method of recycling fish waste by feeding it to plants. In a nutshell, that’s the bare-bones definition. You should also know it is highly adaptable to home-based use, is low maintenance, produces very high amount of food/area (food density), and requires very little external inputs.

How it Works – Layman’s Version

Live fish are grown in a tank. Tank water, which contains fish waste, is pumped from the tank to grow-beds. Grow beds are simple containers filled with gravel and which have plants planted in them on top. Gravel in the grow beds will naturally come to host bacterial colonies which will convert fish waste into plant food. Plants consume the food, water is returned to the fish tank via gravity, and you get to eat organically grown fruits, vegetables, and fish. The fish are happy because their water is kept clean. The plants are happy and grow quickly because they are receiving nutrients 24/7, and you should be happy and healthy having access to home-grown, organically produced food. The only external inputs to the system are electricity and fish food – however even the fish food can be system-grown.

How it Works – Detailed Explanation

You need not understand anything more than the layman’s explanation above in order to get started with Aquaponics. However, a little more knowledge certainly doesn’t hurt and will help you understand how the system works.

Aquaponics takes advantage of mother-nature’s own methods to convert fish waste into plant food. At the heart of this system is what is commonly referred to as the Nitrogen Cycle.

Nitrogen is an essential element necessary for life on Earth as we know it. The Nitrogen Cycle is a series of chemical processes whereby nitrogen from the environment is consumed by living organisms and processed into various different nitrogen-based chemical forms. This is accomplished via a chain of living organisms, each utilizing nitrogen in some way to live, and converting it into another nitrogen-based chemical structure which is then needed by another organism. In this way, nitrogen is continually cycled from the environment, through the biological system, and back into the environment.


Peak Certainty, Food Resilience, and Aquaponics | Peak Prosperity.

But some of the most commonly used stone knives are overlooked because they look like nothing more than a flake of stone. If there is any flint, obsidian, chert, glass, or other knappable stone around, you can make a flake blade in seconds. It requires no tools, except another rock, and it requires no flint knapping skill. This makes the flake knife an ideal survival tool. And don’t think that a flake blade is a second rate tool. They are sharper than surgical stainless steel and can skin and butcher a deer as fast as any modern knife.

Sensible Survival

Today you can buy some beautiful stone knives. These knives are made of obsidian or flint and have long beautiful blades. Only a really first rate craftsman can make one of these. I have a great one myself that was a gift from a friend. Pictured below: Beautiful but impractical long bladed flint knife.

The problem with these knives is that they are very brittle and easily broken. For this reason most primitive knives, with the exception of a few ceremonial knives, did not look anything like these works of art. Most stone knives looked more like slightly lop-sided arrowheads.

A good example is the knife carried by the “Ice Man”, a late stone-age man who was found frozen in a glacier in the Italian Alps. The Ice Man knife had an overall length of five inches. It is described as looking like an “arrowhead” that has been wedged into…

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Just searching on ‘Flint Knives’ and found this…a Gent to keep an eye out for if you’ve a mind for making a hobby, or business, of flintknapping.


Third Annual Ft. Hamby Pow Wow held in Wilkesboro NC. It was presented by the Blue Ridge Intertribal Pow Wow Association and the W. Kerr Scott Dam and Reservoir. There were many events and crafts centered around Native American Indian Culture. I was particularly interested in flint knapping, which is the art of making arrowheads, spearheads, knives and sharp edged tools out of silica based stone. I met an instructor by the name of Barry who is himself part Cherokee by heritage. He began teaching me about flint knapping by explaining the materials and tools of the craft.

Survivaltek  | Flint Knapping At The Pow Wow.

Will people buy into it? Of course they will, too many love them some conspiracy, too many walk around in a self induced coma, too many are armchair activists who are capable of little more than than being a sponge that soaks up the party line.

There are people who champion Charles Manson, skinheads who do likewise of Hitler-should any be surprised that there are those who would champion Peltier, Graham, and the wannabe chiefs?

Rezinate's Blog

Posted by rezinate on July 14, 2011

I just watched the latest video offered on the Annie fb page and would commend Paul DeMain for having said what should be understood by one and all-not verbatim as cited below but close enough to make the point.

“Silence is killing our children we need snitches who say there is a crack house here that is killing our children-my uncle is raping his niece.”

By the Liberators own definition and liberal application of the word snitch, one would have to say Russell Mean’s melodramatic, with perfectly timed breaking up of his voice finger pointing at Vernon during the Branscombe news conference serves to qualify him as one.

I don’t exactly view his participation as a public service, more one of an abortive attempt at damage control. The reality was that Branscombe was on the trail and the press conference would have…

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Aquaponics gardening is a growing trend that allows families to create a self-sustaining environment that grows vegetables, fruits, flowers and more with as little maintenance as possible.

The first time I was told about aquaponics gardening, I thought it was going to be very dirty and moldy but was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn’t like that at all. Aquaponics gardens can be as small or as large as you’d like it to be. They create enough food in a small space and require very little maintenance.

Insurgency 4 Liberty

I don’t update that frequently as I like to be careful with information I post. Folks might rely on my posts for their lives, and the lives of their families, so I put myself in their shoes, and handle posting with responsibility to get info that’s as accurate as I can possibly get and be sure of.

On to the fun stuff…

Now, this is something Husband and I have been experimenting with for a while, and while our work is somewhat experimental in reegards to seeking improvements, the basics plan works and works well enough.

Aquaponics gardening is a growing trend that allows families to create a self-sustaining environment that grows vegetables, fruits, flowers and more with as little maintenance as possible.

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A part of Custer’s strategy was to attack the Southern Cheyenne encampment and take as many women, children, and the aged as possible to employ as a human shield, knowing that warriors wouldn’t mount a counter attack for fear of endangering them.

We’ve seen similar tactics throughout history, and more commonly now in the middle east where rocket or mortar emplacements are setup in the midst of non combatant civilians, in hospitals and school yards-it is a cowardly thing to do now and then.

Rezinate's Blog

Sand Creek 1864, and the Washita 1868

Two notable events in the history of the Cheyenne and the nations at large as it was part of a prolonged campaign conducted by the U.S. government to defeat and oppress indigenous people in this land.

Sand Creek was particularly heinous as it was directed at an encampment led by Black Kettle who had pledged peace, and even while under attack waved an American flag given to them.

The death toll on that day has been estimated in excess of a hundred sixty people-the majority of them women and children. Of the men who were in the camp they had remained there while younger more able men had rode off to hunt.

   I saw the bodies of those lying there cut all to pieces, worse mutilated than any I ever saw before; the women cut all to pieces … With knives; scalped…

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In speaking of events like Sand Creek or Wounded Knee I make an effort to tell people that such things weren’t restricted to either the Cheyenne or Sioux, that it is a shared history among all the nations.

Rezinate's Blog

Mccloud-River-Indiansvieillefemme wintu

wintu 2



In speaking of events like Sand Creek or Wounded Knee I make an effort to tell people that such things weren’t restricted to either the Cheyenne or Sioux, that it is a shared history among all the nations.

A lesser known, though no less heinous offense occurred among the Wintu and Nomsuu when they were invited in 1850 to a “friendship feast” and fed poison resulting in a hundred and forty five deaths.

The following year in what became known as the Bridge Gulch Massacre an additional one hundred and fifty innocent Wintu men, women, and children were killed in reprisal for the death of Col. John Anderson.

In saying we are all related it is the shared misery and suffering that has defined and bound us together.

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Interesting to follow the AIM money trail and the tactics employed-from Federal grants, individual churches, the World Council of Churches, Libya, and even communist organizations.
An accurate accounting will probably never be made but to look at conditions on the rez during their fifteen minutes it’s obvious little of it trickled down to the people who needed it.

Rezinate's Blog

Interesting to follow the AIM money trail and the tactics employed-from Federal grants, individual churches, the World Council of Churches, Libya, and even communist organizations.
An accurate accounting will probably never be made but to look at conditions on the rez during their fifteen minutes it’s obvious little of it trickled down to the people who needed it.

And what makes a sham of so much of their high rhetoric is their absolute willingness to align themselves with repressive governments like Libya, Venezuela, and Russia-all the while beating their chests and gushing crocodile tears about oppression-anything for a buck.

Below is a link to an article-I would direct your attention to the lower left section at the bottom of the article that says Reference: Renegades, clicking on that will download a pdf containing a May 1973 article by Susan  L.M. Huck, a contributing editor to The Review Of The News.

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These are photos taken of Wilbur Riegert, one within the Wounded Knee Museum that he owned and operated for years and was ransacked, looted, and ultimately set on fire by AIM, and the other at his home.

The third photo is of Martha Bad Warrior.

Rezinate's Blog

These are photos taken of Wilbur Riegert,  one within the Wounded Knee Museum that he owned and operated for years and was ransacked, looted, and ultimately set on fire by AIM, and the other at his home.

The third photo is of Martha Bad Warrior.

I’d like everyone to take a close look at this aged wheelchair bound elder who was targeted by AIM during it’s Reign of Terror known as WK2 and ask themselves if what he endured, even to being thrown out of his residence, was an act of warriors, or could in anyway be justified?

Does it look as though he could pose a physical threat to anyone? Does it look like he would?

From all accounts Wilbur was a kind and generous man, respected within the Pine Ridge community-his character I think is written on his face.

Quest For The Pipe of the Sioux is now…

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