Tag Archive: obama

These are the monsters that obama protects, that Justin Trudeau so loves. islaamic state will be killed off here in the Americas, and ‘government’ has nothing to say about that, in fact ‘government’ is in plenty of trouble for they way they’ve been capitulating to islamic state and all the rest of the jihad groups and orgs.


The Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq is forcing doctors to harvest human organs so they can sell them on the international market | BARE NAKED ISLAM.

One of the many Muslim NO GO ZONES in the UK. Keep importing more Muslim jihadists and welfare parasites and soon every town in the UK will look like this.

Complete with the ‘nonexistent’ Pedo-Grooming gangs also.

MUSLIM COLONIZERS have turned Bradford, England into a disgusting Islamic hellhole | BARE NAKED ISLAM.

Marlene Blackwinter, and while many detractors wish I would just die, that’s not going to happen for a LONG time to come. So, all of my detractors, enemies and hasslers better just resign themselves to the fact I am here in this world to stay, and know a bit more about things than they think.
As some of you know, I was dead once, after the home-invasion incident a few years back when I was in ICU for  a week. I was full-flatline, both EEG & EKG for 3 minutes and 43 seconds.
That was an experience I Treasure, and I will always be more grateful than I can ever speak to the staff who didn’t give up on trying to resuscitate me…they kept the ‘door’ wedged open for me to come back and rejoin this world and Husband.
I could have remained there, and I was tempted, but I Chose to return because I would not accept the price of choosing to remain:
Breaking the heart of the Man I married ad who has given me such a terrific life and taught me so much.
I didn’t return for some ‘Great Purpose’, I came back out of love for the Man who gave me a a genuine Life instead of wasting my days in a 1 bedroom apartment in the city with a mind-numbing job as I was doing.

What was it like? Wonderful…but even now, years later, it is extremely difficult to frame in words. I don’t think it’s meant to be framed in words, as there just are NO words for aspects of that experience. That is why I speak little about it, I simply have very little that I am able to convey in the limits of language. It feels like being a mouse and trying to give a PhD. thesis on the collected history of Art and Science together.


I take my Native Aboriginal American ancestry seriously. I never sought it out, I found my way back to the Band of my Great-Grandmother by happenstance and marriage. It was only when I wore a bracelet and a necklace that I found in all the ‘remnant estate’ stuff that came from England that the Elders of the Band started getting curious.
Which led to things being asked, old heirlooms, letters and photographs found, compared, carefully assessed. And I learned who I was, where a significant part of m came from, and a very precious part of my Geneology and Family history I never knew about.

My Great-Grandfather came across from England for ONE reason; To find & marry a Native American woman, to record and study as much of Native culture as he could, as he knew it was rapidly being made Extinct. He came close to being killed more than once, but perservered, and eventually found my Great-Grandmother and her Band. He stayed two years, learning, living and studying before he left for England with her. In that time, he left an impression that exists even today as well as evidence in the form of personal possessions he left behind, that he had made Gifts of to Band members.

In England, he encouraged my Great-Grandmother to continue the Native Traditions and living as best as possible, and helped her do so as much as Humanly possible–and in that day and age, it could NOT (and was not) a simple matter.
He also worked out ways for her to send letters to her Band, some of those old letters exist even today, I’ve held them, read them, and while she missed her family, she was genuinely happy. In time, she had children, one of whom was my Grandmother, who went on to serve in WW2: She was with British Intelligence, and dropped alone into France to aid the French Resistance in getting up to speed and serious effectiveness. She was raised ‘Native’ by my Great-Grandmother, which made all the difference in her surviving that assignment and flourishing in it, very much to the detriment of Nazi Germany and more than a few Nazi soldiers..

Life led to my being born, and in time I met a rather Interesting Man, whom I would later marry…and whom is from the same Band as my Great-Grandmother, and also the conduit that led me me back to the land my Great-Grandmother walked and the people she loved. I don’t look Native, I have a ‘hand-me-down’ Brit accent, and was born to British parents who left England for Canada. I’m Norse-fair skinned and 6’3 in bare feet courtesy of my Grandfather who was just a hair over 7’0 himself.
I am the Last of my British/European lineage, which is now Extinct in Europe & Britain…but I am among Family, here in these lands I inadvertantly found my way Home to.
They have embraced me as family, love me, teach me and help me find my way deeper into our culture, the nuances of genuine understanding regarding the ‘how’, the ‘why’, the history. That I returned my Great-Grandmother’s blood to her lands & people, by happenstance, seems in some way quite significant to our Elders, but I am happy to hear is not ‘unique’ and is occuring more & more.

My loyalty is to my people, The First Peoples Of The Nations. That loyalty extends to & includes the documents known colloquially as the American Constitution also, as they carry a universal truth the Peoples Of The Nations have always known.
But, I give NO allegiance to any government but what we Native Aboriginal Americans are making for ourselves, and history will show plainly why I do not:

They do not deserve it.
They have done nothing to earn it.

They keep PROVING we are right in extending NO trust to them.

Some folks in the Nations think there’s not a chance in hell of The People of The Nations ever achieving a meaningful future, and try to draw the threadbare weeds of despair about them a bit snugger.

Well, those folks are Wrong. That’s not just fluffy False-Talk, I’ll back it up.

Israel…now there is a nation we can look towards for Inspiration. Right about now, some of you bridle and are about to spout off about ‘poor palestine’ and how we Natives have ‘solidarity’ with palestine. Fine, ok, I will address that point.

Before you attack me in defense of the False-Talking squatters over there, I Challenge you to find me some Genuine, Validated Archeological evidence that Proves ‘palestine’ is ancient and the ancestral lands of ‘palestinians’.
Good luck finding it, there’s more evidence to support the existence of Atlantis.

Also, find the answers to these questions:

Israel - Cartoon - Quiz on Palestine

Now, back to Israel and how it applies to The Nations…

Israel built itself up out of the Desert. Consider that.
The Peoples of The Nations, hell, we live in a paradise of resources to work with, and we can do so WITHOUT destroying the lands our Ancestors walked and loved.
New energy technologies that show up combustion-based systems as the obsolete junk they are.
Aquaculture-linked Microfarming that allows for very impressive yields with none of the expensive and toxic chemicals that are commonly associated with farming.

In short, Reservations can become so much MORE and BETTER!! The Cores of Micronations…True steps towards Building our Sovereignty, ass individuals and as Nations.
We, the descendants of our Grandmothers and Grandfathers can make this happen for ourselves, our children, for the future of our Peoples and Nations–we CAN recuperate from the past!
I will remind you of one Esssential Truth that applies to The Peoples of The Nations so very fully and perfectly

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Welcome to Canada…

On Jan. 19 2015 Journal de Montreal did a 7 page expose on the massive network of jihadi, terror, supremacy and infiltration of schools run out of mosques and government funded. Also expose on MAC and ISNA which are huge well funded organizations.

The Muslim Brotherhood and Terror Financing in Quebec (video) | Creeping Sharia.

The Timbisha Shoshone Tribe, based in Death Valley California, is among those Indian nations enduring an especially long and nasty fight in its dealings with the United States and Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) – a 165-year long battle.  The latest conflict involves the BIA’s installation of its own so-called government for the Tribe.  This takeover of the Timbisha Shoshone Tribe’s government ignores the Tribe’s fundamental right of self-government, the inherent right of the Tribe to decide who is a member of the Tribe and how the Tribe will be governed.

            The BIA is again abusing its power over federal funds and Indian programs to take over and replace a federally recognized

Read the full article here…

The Interior Department’s Takeover of the Timbisha Shoshone Government | Indian Law Resource Center.

Some folks just cannot, or will not, see just how ugly, False, vile and absolutely Abhorrent islam truly is…
Because they SO want to believe all the pretty False-Talk that muzzies dribble and drivel to cover up not merely islam’s digusting past History (and horrendously disgusting false-prophet muhammed) but also to try to cover and turn eyes away from what islam is REALLY like in the Modern Era.

Now, you muzzies are gonna find this ‘offensive’, and that’s too damned bad for you, because the truth hurts, and now islam cannot hide it away anymore.

So, this post will deal with islam and Slavery…and I warn you now, it gets pretty damned awful.


African immigration is quite controversial. Not so much in Europe, as in the Middle East, where slavery still exists and racism remains part of the culture. It’s a topic that most Western liberals have no real interest in discussing because it cuts against their preconceptions and their ideological posturing. But it’s quite real.


Morroco’s Maroc Hebdo magazine is running a cover story about the “Black Peril” and French media outlets have stories on what life is like for Africans in the parts of Africa controlled by Arab Muslims. And it’s not a pretty picture.

Often, when I’m just walking down the street, people will call me a “dirty black man” or call me a slave. Young Moroccans have physically assaulted me on several occasions, for no reason, and passers-by who saw this didn’t lift a finger to help me. All my friends are black and they have all had similar experiences. Even the girls get insulted in the street. To avoid getting hurt, I now try to ignore the insults. But if someone starts to hit me, what can I do? I have to defend myself…
Maroc Hebdo had a cover story entitled “the Black Peril,” accusing sub-Saharan Africans of living off begging, drug trafficking and prostitution. The cover featured a close up shot of a black man’s face.

Morocco is the African gateway to Europe, giving it a role similar to Mexico, but without the financial incentives that Mexico has to encourage illegal immigration. And as African migrants stream into Morocco, we are reminded once again that the West is far less racist than the east.


So, there’s that…but wait, there’s a LOT worse coming.

I DARE any of you to read this, and end up feeling like you’ve been stabbed in the heart in compassion and grief for these children…that obamatard is ABANDONING to face these monsters.
If you don’t consider this ‘slavery’, then you’re seriously Effed-up.
Welcome to Hell-On-Earth for Children…
One Amnesty International couldn’t care less about.

“President Obama recently announced the end of the war in Afghanistan, thereby officially surrendering what he himself had once called the ‘Good War.’ With thousands of American lives now squandered as the Radical-in-Chief oversees the triumph of the enemy, Frontpage is re-running Jamie Glazov’s article “Boys of the Taliban,” from our Jan 1, 2007 issue, to help crystallize the true nature of the barbaric enemy Obama is now handing Afghanistan to.”

“The key issue here is that the sickness that underlies Rule No. 19 is by no means exclusive to the Taliban; it is a widespread phenomenon throughout Islamic-Arab culture and it lies, among other factors, at the root of that culture’s addiction to rage and its lust for violence, terror and suicide.

There is a basic and common sense empirical human reality: wherever humans construct and perpetuate an environment in which females and their sexuality are demonized and are pushed into invisibility, homosexual behavior among men and the sexual abuse of young boys by older men increases. Islamic-Arab culture serves as a perfect example of this paradigm, seeing that gender apartheid, fear of female sexuality and a vicious misogyny are the structures on which the whole society functions.

It is no surprise that John Racy, a psychiatrist with much experience in Arab societies, has noted that homosexuality is “extremely common” in many parts of the Arab world. [1] Indeed, even though homosexuality is officially despised in this culture and strictly prohibited and punishable by imprisonment, incarceration and/or death, having sex with boys or effeminate men is actually a social norm. Males serve as available substitutes for unavailable women.”



Some of you wanted ‘proof’ of slavery in islam.
Well, do you like the taste of it?

Below is some Historical context, with Citations and such.



            Islam institutionalized slavery. Muhammad began to take slaves after he moved to Medina, and had power. Slaves were usually taken in raids on nearby Arab tribes, or war, either through offensive or defensive actions. Islam allows the taking of slaves as “booty”, or reward for fighting. This has led to numerous “jihads” by Muslim states and tribes to attack other non-Muslim groups and obtain slaves. Islamic jurisprudence laid down regulations for the proper treatment of slaves. However, abuses have occurred throughout history.




            The West is familiar with the history of slavery in the new world. It was sinful and terrible, and it lasted for several hundred years. And it was abolished mainly through the efforts of Christians in England (Wilberforce, Clarkson) and America (the Abolitionists, primarily Protestant).


            However, few people in the west know about Islam and slavery. Most would be surprised that Islam authorizes the taking of slaves as spoils of war. From the days that Muhammad drew his sword to rob and conquer non-Muslims to this very day, Muslims have been taking non-Muslims, and even other black Muslims, as slaves.


            Muslims were enslaving black Africans long before any slave ships sailed for the New World. Muslims were taking and making slaves all over the lands they had conquered. Later, when slave ships were loaded with black slaves, often, a Muslim slave broker had the human cargo all ready to go. American slavers rarely had to go into inland to capture slaves, they were already waiting there, courtesy of some Muslim ruler, and/or slave broker! In many cases, if the black slaves were not sent to the New World, they were sent to the Mideast to be enslaved by Arabs, or kept by other black Muslims as slaves.






            To begin with, the Quran justifies slavery, and often mentions slaves. Here are some relevant verses:


This one has Historical overview, and vids with 2 survivors of islamic slavery. Also, Citations down near the bottom to check out yourself.

Muslim Slavery In The Modern Age: Real Life Stories
Francis Bok tells his story as a 20th century slave to Muslims in Sudan, captured as a child slave under Islamic sharia:
Another escaped slave, Simon Deng, sold to a Muslim for the equivalent of $10, tells his story as a 20th century slave in the modern age where slavery continues to exist and be legalized under Islamic Sharia law. Simon Deng warns blacks in America not to be lured into Islam here blacks are still viewed as slave goods and merely used as soldiers to better Islamic agenda. Over 3.5 million people have been slaughtered by Muslims in Sudan.


Now, I have a good number of additional sources, with references and such, even from media that tries to shelter for islam and even with their best efforts (False-Talk) still find it VERY difficult to avoid the truth of islamic slavery happening in the Modern World.
Think about that, the next time you watch all the islam-friendly media.
Then ask yourself; “What aren’t they telling me?”

Some of you will call me ‘racist’…well, I’m speaking OUT for all these PEOPLE who are being enslaved, not just Africans…

ALL of them.
So, if you try to brand me a Racist, check yourself out in a mirror as ask why YOU remain Silent about this Modern Dau horrorstory being perpetrated by islam, often with the dhimmi-type abeyance as seen in the exposure of the decades-long Pedo-Grooming rings in UK that Police & Government KNEW about…

…yet did Nothing about for 20 years.

This preetty much sums up the absolute disregard for Life that Liberatards have for people if they’re not in their ‘protected’ list…

Frankly, this disgusting svoloch does more to describe his worthless and bilious self than I ever could.


Zaid Jilani has many credentials as an activist of the left. He was a blogger at the Center for American Progress’ Think Progress site, the unofficially official spin project for Obama Inc, until he was fired for excessive anti-semitism, even by the standards of a site run by a man who had helped fundraise for Hamas before going to work for Nancy Pelosi.

Jilani went on to blog for the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, also known as Bold Progressives, which is behind the Draft Elizab…


I replied on a post and made a comment regarding how obama’s meth-spiked cocaine habit is killing him and that it’d be safer to snort drain-cleaner than that crap…

WELL…little miss Liberal obamawhore got Butthurt about what I said and managed to get me blocked/banned for an Unknown duration…longer that 24 hours I’m pretty sure, and as this happened last night…I cannot Like, Share, Post…except via through my blogs like this one and the connectivity.

Now, as for you obama-lovers out there…you better all stick your noses in the wind and pay attention to it’s changes…this is NOT your world, and the Americas are NOT your lands.

And Jimmy Carter, the worthless, gutless sack of crap he is, and how he’s heading a fundraiser for Hamas….well, he made his choice.


One ‘British’ man currently fighting for ISIS in Syria has claimed that the UK should be frightened of the skills he has learned there.

A Twitter account thought to belong to Nasser Muthana, 20, has a picture showing what appear to be improvised explosive devices in a garage.

The caption reads: ‘So the UK is afraid I come back with the skills I’ve gained.’

He also describes himself as a ‘soldier of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham’, and has previously spoke of jihad as ‘obligatory’.


Personal Statement:

This muzzie drainclog better very seriously think twice, and BLOODY carefully if he wants to go down that road. People are increasingly waking up to the fact that when dealing with islam, it’s ‘Kill or be killed’.

That said, people like myself already have begun. Where I live, Al-Quaeda goons have been trying to ignite more jihad-forest-fires, close to our city, the Tribal lands and the Paganic Enclave. With the prevailing winds, such fires set in the very dry forest area would have a similar effect to a small nuke, and would be out of control almost from time of ignition.

We’ve been dealing with them ourselves, in a very direct means, as this is War. a deliberately-set forest fire of the types that A-Q have been doing are the equivalent of WMDs, and using such is not only a War Crime, it’s also a Open act and declaration of War.

So, we take it as what it is, and deal with it accordingly.

How does this apply to Britain?

There’s a movement among us Native Aboriginal Americans, and we are Reclaiming OUR ancestral lands. When we have cleaned them out of islam and socialists…we will be going to Australia, UK and other nations to aid them in ‘Encouraging’ islam to Leave.

We don’t do Political Correctness, we don’t give a damn what Liberals and such have to say, and we don’t waste time talking to islam beyond “Leave our lands or face the consequences for defying us.”
Do we wave cutesie protest signs and such?

NO, we have spent over 2 Centuries ‘talking’ and ‘protesting’…and what’s it gotten us?


More of the same shit we’ve been dealing with for 200+ years…but NO MORE.





So, all you jihadi out there, thinking of coming to or returning to the Americas and other non-American western nations, with your plans on causing trouble…


We have been building and organizing and training since end of WW2…you think you have skills??

And save the crap about: “islam isn’t your enemy”…yes, you are and nothing you say with your False-Talk will change the facts or islam’s history, or annul the Open Declaration of War.

We KNOW what your planning and intent is, and do NOT dare to tell us what we think, see, understand, or make the mistake  to ‘speak for us’…

We Speak for Ourselves now…NO one else will ever speak for us again.

Here’s some Truth about the Wendigo called ‘islam’…
